This Page provides information about 5G NR Throughput calculator. Сalculator allows to calculate the maximum throughput of 5G NR network for user (depending on his mobile device UE) or cell. Approximately data transfer rate of 5G NR can be calculated using the formula:

The calculation is based on the 3GPP TS 38.306 standard: NR User Equipment (UE) radio access capabilities and uses formula to obtain a 5G NR Throughput data rate in the DL (downlink) and the UL (uplink). To obtain the correct result, it is necessary to enter such important parameters as: mode of 5G network, number of aggregated carriers, number of MIMO layers, Bandwidth, Frequency range, modulation type, and so on.
Update1: User interface Fix
Update2: Update TDD Mode: Symbols allocations at Slot
Update3: Added parameters for the Number of Beams
Update4: Add Vendor data Mode for TDD and Auto mode for Modulation and Code Rate
Update5: Add 1024QAM, 35 Mhz, 45 Mhz, Manual Signaling Overhead
Update6: Add New Mode of Symbols allocation (Slot + Special frame Allocation)
Update 7: ADD button to export result
Update 8: Rounding fix
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5G NR: 5G NR Throughput calculator, 5G NR Link budget calculator, 5G NR ARFCN Calculator, 5G NR GSCN Calculator, 5G NR TBS Calculator, Frequency bands for 5G NR, Spectral Efficiency 5G NR calculator, 5G NR SSB SSS EPRE Power Calculator, EPRE (Energy Per Resource Element) Calculator, 5G Neighbor planning calculator, 5G NR Timing Advance Distance calculator, 5G NR Cell Identity (NCI) Calculator, 5G NR NTN Frequency bands, QoS for 5G NR
4G LTE: 4G LTE Throughput calculator, 4G LTE Link budget calculator, 4G LTE Cell ID (ECI) Calculator, 4G LTE EARFCN calculator, 4G LTE RS RE Power calculator, 4G LTE Users (CCE) calculator, Spectral Efficiency 4G LTE calculator, 4G LTE Timing Advance Distance Calculator, EPRE (Energy Per Resource Element) Calculator, 4G Neighbor planning calculator, UE Category LTE Calculator, QoS for 4G LTE
3G UMTS: 3G UMTS UARFCN calculator
NB-IoT: NB-IoT Link budget calculator
Other: Free Space Path Loss (FSPL) Calculator, Link budget Calculator, dBm Watt Calculator, Convert ppm to Hz, Bandwidth Calculator
Thanks for your wonderful program. -)
Good work. However can you please check this:
When comparing same BW with SCS 15 or 30 KHz, you get really small throughput for the higher numerology (Numerology 1). This most probably is because with 30KHz you have to double it – with 15KHz there is 1 slot per subframe, while with 30KHz there are 2 slots per subframe.
Boyko S
Dear, Boyko S!
You are right about “with 15KHz there is 1 slot per subframe, while with 30KHz there are 2 slots per subframe.”
But for 15KHz we have 106 RB (20Mhz for example), for 30KHz we have 51 RB (20Mhz) – 3GPP 38.104
This mean that we have more slots, but less RB.
Throughput for 30kHz not double throughput for 15kHz
How its differing for TDD can you explain?
In our tool you can can choose FDD or TDD mode:
For FDD: all slots in subframe used in DL or UL
Part of the Slots allocated for DL or UL = 1 (100%)
For TDD: not all slots in subframe used in DL or UL
For example:
slots format 45:DDDDDD FF UUUUUU
where D ,F, U – downlink or flexible or uplink symbol
Part of the Slots allocated for DL: 6/14 = 0.42857 (43%)
(38.213: Table 11.1.1-1: Slot formats)
Good day,
I have two questions:
1.The equation shows default the max LDPC code rate 948/1024. In case I want to use another MCS, shall I then use the code rate given in ETSI
ETSI TS 138 214 V15.3.0 (Table e.g. MCS 18 = 822/1024.
2. What is actually the meaning of Scaling Factor?
Thanks in advance and thanks for this great tool!
Dear, Andy!
1. I think yes, you can use this for another MCS.
But in 3GPP TS 38.306 We do not have any information about it.
Just Logic 😉
Rmax = (Target code Rate (3GPP 38.214 Table 5.1.3)) / (1024)
2. 3GPP TS 38.306 is not give information about ScalingFactor
but if if you look at the LTE standards:
Scaling factors used for Medium and High mobility.
Should be configured per Carriers
Scale Factor sets the value by which to scale the bandwidth and time lengths of the measured signal.
July 31, 2019 at 11:28
Dear, Boyko S!
You are right about “with 15KHz there is 1 slot per subframe, while with 30KHz there are 2 slots per subframe.”
But for 15KHz we have 106 RB (20Mhz for example), for 30KHz we have 51 RB (20Mhz) – 3GPP 38.104
This mean that we have more slots, but less RB.
Throughput for 30kHz not double throughput for 15kHz
Hello, yes you are right about RBs, but the throughput is megabits per second not megabits per RB. For BW 50 MHz you have SCS15KHz 270 RBs and SCS30KHz – 133. Round the half but in the same time 2 slots per subframe, so it is expected to have nearly equal thpt.
Let’s take one example. 8 layer MIMO, TDD, 1 carrier, 50 MHz etc.
With SCS 15KHz according the calculator you get 1982 mbps
With SCS 30KHz you get 976 mbps.
Boyko S
Dear, Boyko S!
I think i found mistake in your calculation
You should to change not only parameter: “BW:50MHz FR1 µ:30kHz” but and then parameter of carrier configuration “µ(j) -value of carrier configuration”
After this you get:
With SCS 15KHz (Q(j)m =8) according the calculator you get 1982 mbps
With SCS 30KHz (Q(j)m =8) you get 1952 mbps. (not 976)
In next update of calculator I will do auto-change for µ(j) parameter after change parameter: “BW:50MHz FR1 µ:30kHz”
It is just “user interface problem” 😉
Anyway thanks
We updated the user interface for more comfortable use!
If you have any problem with new interface, just inform us
5G-tools Team
Good work.
Thank you.
Boyko S
Wonderful. Only a small comment, for the tdd slot parts, it is not accurate for the uplink slot using 1 minus (the percetage of downlink slot) since there are some gap between dl symblo and ul symbol in the special subframe, such as the special subframe config is 6 dl symbol, 4 ul symbol, 4 gap symbol.
Dear, Soliu
You are right about gap for TDD. Thanks
Next update, we plan to update user interface for TDD configuration, it should to be more accuracy and clear.
5G-tools Team
Dear, Soliu
Update2 solved this problem
Great Help.Appreciate the effort
dear sir,
There are any calculation tool to calculate the value of TBS(38.214-Table and Table
Dear, Jiangyun
We planning to do calculator of TBS value later.
We don’t have it now.
Thanks for your inquiry
Dear, Is there a tool to estimate spectral efficiencies per 3GPP band and MIMO order?
Dear, Sachin
You can use click Spectral Efficiency 5G NR calculator
Thanks for the Nice tool.
I have a query, Is this tool takes care of “TDD-UL-DL-ConfigurationCommon” mentioned in 38213? Let’s take example of DDDSU having periodicity 2.5msec for mu=1.
Dear, Rajesh!
Update2 solved this problem
currently you are taking mcs = 28 for your calculation . if you can add MCS also as one of the parameter, it will be great help.
Dear, Atul!
If you want to change MCS ( based on 3GPP 38.214 Table 5.1.3)
You should to change Q(j)m modulation order and Rmax (Value depends on the type of coding from 3GPP 38.214,38.212)
Where Rmax = (Target code Rate (3GPP 38.214 Table 5.1.3)) / (1024)
I dont want to add MCS index becouse we have 3 table of MSC depend on “PDSCH-Config”
Hi OlegV@5GTools:
can you make a table the relation between MCS QAM TBS and Tput in one CC(BW 100MHz)?
Dear, GL
I think it will be useful. Later i will do it
Hello, Oleg! Could you explain how to calculate the throughput of the base station using your calculator?
Dear, Alex
If you want to calculate throughput of the base station, You should to understand: how many cells do you have per Base station? (And cells configurations)
For example:You have 1 base station with 3 transmitters and 6 Cells ( 2 Cell on 1 transmitter).
3 Cell configuration BW:50MHz FR1 µ:15kHz: and 3 Cell configuration BW:100MHz FR2 µ:120kHz:
You should use “5G NR THROUGHPUT CALCULATOR” to get Throughput per Cell then 1 base station Throughput= 3*cell1 Throughput +3*cell2 Throughput
1 base station Throughput = 3*742(BW:50MHz FR1 µ:15kHz) +3*1386(BW:100MHz FR2 µ:120kHz) = 6384 Mbps
Oleg! Thank you very much! You helped me a lot! I really appreciate it!
Hey, Oleg! Can you explain why do we use calculator of throughput for UE (3GPP TS 38.306) and get throughput per Cell ? thank you a lot!
Dear, Tom!
Ue throughput depend on same parameters that cell throughput…But Ue can use not all PRB blocks…
If you want to get Cell throughput you should to use all Cell PRB (Full Bandwidth), if you want to get Ue throughput use “other (enter number of PRB, FR and µ)”
If Ue can use all PRB then Cell throuthput = Ue throuthput ( 1 user use all Сell resources)
Regards, Oleg
What is the significance of overhead and scaling in throughput formula?
Dear Pulkit
overhead – this part is not for user data ( just for control, broadcast etc…channel)…
Scaling factor should be used for carrier aggregation ( % of carrier use)
Nice tool.
One question though, how to calculate TP with ENDC case?
By adding TP calcutated from 5GNR page and LTE page?
Dear, RealH
I never seen in my practice how to 5G-4G Dual Connectivity (ENDC) work. But i think that radio configuration will be same like only 5G or like only 4G….in the first approximation i think tp Full =4G tp+ 5g tp… but maybe we should to use f(j) Scaling factor … or some more parameters…
I am not clear about the Frequency Band. 5G use the milimeter wave such as 28GHz, 36GHz. If I want to operate the calculator in 28GHz, what should I do?
Thank you
Dear, Ezaz
If You want to operate the calculator in 28GHz, You should to use this parameter “BW(j)- band Bandwidth, MHz (3GPP 38.104), should be selected with Frequency Range and µ(i) configuration” with FR2 (24250 MHz – 52600 MHz). For Example: “BW:50MHz FR2 µ:60kHz:”
How overhead and Scaling factor decided
I got overhead was 0.14 for FR1 DL . But don’t know how it decided
I got Scaling factor can be 1,0.8,0.75,0.4. But when it will be 1(0.8,0.75,0.4) are not very clear
We updated the user interface for more comfortable use!
Update2: Update TDD Mode: Symbols allocations at Slot
If you have any problem with new interface, just inform us
5G-tools Team
Hi OlegV
How do you considering about the UL-DL pattern: slot combinations in 5ms or 2.5ms
I got the common config is:
7DS2U for 5ms period
DDDSU for 2.5ms period
can it reach 100%(all are DL slot, DDDDD forexample)while calculation peak Tput?
Dear, Chao
If you use UL-DL pattern (It is your equipment vendor configuration, it is different from 3gpp),
you should to understand what is your µ configuration … then for example: µ = 30kHz
DDDSU for 2.5 ms this mean that you have 4 “DDDSU” combination in 1 Radioframe (10 ms)
1 Radioframe = 10 subframe, 1 subframe have 2 slot (µ = 30kHz), 1 slot have 14 symbols….
This mean 1 Radioframe = 10*2*14 =280 symbols…… DDDSU =280/4 = 70 symbols,
if DDDSU =100% then D=60%, S (special subframe, gap for example, or you should check your S conf) =20%, U=20% then
Then you can check frame configuration from 3GPP D should by 60% from 14….. but 14*0,6 =8,4… ( U: 14*0.2=2.8)
DDDDDDDDFFFFUU…. but you cant find this pattern….
Your vendor is different from 3GPP standart 🙂 (All vendors is different from 3gpp at this moment)
You should to use “Manual (vendor data)” parametr in calculator ( for example S= gap without D and U)
and use 0.6 (60%) for DL and 20% for UL….
Nice Tool, Could you please explain ,[ Tμs(j) = (10^-3)/(14*2^μ) – average OFDM symbol duration in a subframe ]
How the value of Average OFDM symbol is calculating , i did not understand the first part (10^-3) why its used .
Maybe I can answer this:
Let’s take μ =1(30kHz) as example. In this condition, 1ms corresponding to: 1 subframe = 14*2^1(2^1 is the slot number per subframe ref to TS38.211) = 28 symbol
So 1ms corresponding to: 28symbols
Convert the unit from ms to s(second)
It means 10^-3s Corresponding to: 28 symbols
Then: what is duration of one symbol?
(10^-3)/28 it’s about 35.7*10^-6s or 35.7μs
This is how Tμs(j) = (10^-3)/(14*2^μ) comes
greate , really appreciate your feedback
Dear Oleg,
Great and quick tool and is such a time saver. Thank you and awesome job! Do you have a similar calculator for the gNodeB side on DL from the massive MIMO radios??
Dear, Earl@EJLWireless!
To get DL throughput massive MIMO of gNodeB you should:
1. DL throughput massive MIMO = DL UE1 +DL UE2 + Dl UE3… ( at our calculator you should to use this way)
massive MIMO mean that different UE can use same RB ( different location, not only Mimo layer).
2. massive MIMO UE throughtput depend on sinr, RB number etc… When you use mMimo, you get better Antenna Gain
( 21~24 for 3.5 GHz)-> better SiNR, Modulation.
For example: You have 20Mhz, , µ:15kHz, 106 Rb, Ue1 use 60 RB, UE 2 Use 60 RB ( 14 RB is same)
5G NR Throughput mMimo =5G NR Throughput ue1 +5G NR Throughput ue2 > 5G NR Throughput without mMimo
Regards, Oleg
I am not able to see the calculator here on the page?
can someone give me the link please
try to change webbrowser?
Thanks, it worked with firefox
Can we pay through MoneyGram? About $50 of payment.
Dear, Roger C Labuguen
You can, if you want.
Can you give me your email, this form: . I will give you more information.
Regards, Oleg
How the FR1 values are calculated. Can you please elaborate and explain in details.
What do you mean “FR1 values are calculated”
FR—-> Frequency Range 3GPP 38.104:FR1 (450 MHz – 6000 MHz).
At our calculator when you click on “BW:5MHz FR1 µ:15kHz:” at “BW(j)- band Bandwidth” parameter, you select Frequency Range FR1…
Regards, Oleg V.
This is applicable for indoor capacity dimensioning also?
Dear. Vivek!
Why not?
I think Yes, if your indoor 5G base station and UE equipment support modulation, mimo etc.
Regards, Oleg
How the OH are calculated. The values shown are
FRI – 0.14 DL, 0.08 UL
FR2 – 0.18 DL, 0.10 UL
How these values has arrived.
How the OH are calculated. The values shown are
FRI – 0.14 DL, 0.08 UL
FR2 – 0.18 DL, 0.10 UL
How these values has arrived.
Dear, Suryakant!
For example for FR2:
SSB~2.5 + PDCCH~6.7 + TRS~1,3 + DM-RS~5 + PT-RS~2.5 = ~ 0.18 DL
PRACH~3.1 + PUCCH~4.5 + DM-RS~1.5 + PT-RS~0.9 = ~ 0.10 UL
Regards, Oleg
What do “SSB~2.5”, “PDCCH ~6.7”, “TRS~1.3”, “DM-RS ~5”, and “PT-RS ~2.5” mean?
Especially, I don’t know the meaming of “~”.
Please tell me.
What is the maximum downlink throughput NR1 20MHZ、256QAM modulation mode and PRX .
Dear, Tan
For NR1 you mean : n1 Band 2100 ? and for PRX you mean : receiving power ?
If yes then for µ:15kHz, without mimo ~ 114 Mbit/s Sinr- 35dB +
Regards, Oleg
Could you Explain “v(j)Layers – maximum number of MIMO layers” please?
And relation between Layers and number TxRx .
such as what is the layer of 16TxRx.
thank you
for OH, overhead, DL and UL is different in TDD mode?
In Modulation Scheme, 1024 QAM is not listed but 1024 QAM is supported by 3GPP Rel-15.
Dear, Va!
I cant find specification with 1024 QAM Support ( cant find it at 38.804 or 38.214). Can you tell the number?
Anyway You can use Q(j)m modulation order =10 at Our Calculator (result will be correct)
Regards, Oleg
Newbie question: why there is no input parameters for the number of beams I can achieve during transmission? With spatial multiplexing multiple users can use the same frequency and time resource but being differentiated in space allocation. Where am I wrong?
Dear, Adibacco
I added parameters for the Number of Beams. Please check!
Regard, Oleg
Dear Oleg,
congrats to this nice tool.
Can you please explain exactly the meaning of the scaling factor and in which case this value has to be different to 1.
Thanks in advance
Dear, Andy!
38.306: Indicates the scaling factor to be applied to the band in the max data rate calculation. Value f0p4 indicates the scaling factor 0.4, f0p75 indicates 0.75, and so on. If absent, the scaling factor 1 is applied to the band in the max data rate calculation.
This is part of “FeatureSetDownlink” indicates a set of features that the UE supports on the carriers corresponding to one band entry in a band combination.
For more information you can read: 3GPP TS 38.331
Regards, Oleg
Thanks for your useful tools ,
by the way , do you know where i can find “Scaling factor” in OTA message ? i’m looking into lots of log , never found it , or it’s default by 1 ?
Dear, Gethin!
Scaling factor – Optional, default is 1
Maybe this link will help you:
6.3.3 UE capability information elements -> featureSetCombination: FeatureSetCombinationId ->scalingFactor: ENUMERATED {f0p4, f0p75, f0p8}OPTIONAL,
Regards, Oleg
Thank u very much , got it !
Hi Oleg,
May I ask when we want to compute for the so called 5G cell capacity of say DL/UL 16/8 Layers, can we just simply enter v(j) to be DL 16 and UL 8? Many thanks for your kind advise. 🙂
Dear, Lion Rim!
I think Yes. If you use Massive MIMO, you can get better Capacity for cell ( than 8 DL Mimo) because MU-MiMo ( different directions of beams).
You can use v(j)Layers for DL 16 and UL 8.
Regard Oleg
Pathloss of Volte versus VoNR
With the throughput being calculated, is there a possibility to calculate latency?
Dear, KK14
At this calculator – No 🙂
Hi Experts,
There are 56 TDD formats in NR(and there are 7 in LTE TDD). How does UE know which TDD format it will be going to use out of 56 TDD formats?
In RRCConnectionReconfig,
referenceSubcarrierSpacing kHz30,
dl-UL-TransmissionPeriodicity ms2,
nrofDownlinkSlots 3,
nrofDownlinkSymbols 3,
nrofUplinkSlots 2,
nrofUplinkSymbols 3,
dl-UL-TransmissionPeriodicity-v1530 ms3
dl-UL-TransmissionPeriodicity ms2,
nrofDownlinkSlots 4,
nrofDownlinkSymbols 0,
nrofUplinkSlots 0,
nrofUplinkSymbols 0
In LTE, it’s clear which subframe and special subframe UE uses…
subframeAssignment sa2,
specialSubframePatterns ssp6
Thanks in Advance.
1、Is Rmax a fixed constant from TS38.306? Or does it vary with other parameters such as different modulation modes?
2、From the formula calculation, when using multi-carrier units, the formula calculation result is the rate accumulation of each carrier unit or the multiple of a single carrier unit?
Many thanks for your kind advise.
Can the formula be computed as a multiple of j if multi-carrier units are used? It should be the sum of the rate of each individual carrier unit,right?
In qualcomm snapdragon 865 overview, they report supporting of 800 Mhz bandwidth in FR2. But 3GPP maximum is 400 Mhz. How it’s possible? Or there is newer releases?
Carrier Aggregation?
Why can’t I use u(j)=4 for 240 KHz ?
Dear, Khan!
Do you have plans for a eCPRI fronthaul calculator?
Hi there,
So when it comes to TDD are you saying with vendor configuration 8:2,4:1 etc each comes with a fixed periodicity? it is not configurable ?
Good tool!
But it seems there is a mistake somewhere – with the same inputs the tool provides DL Throughput lower than UL throughput.
For example:
Downlink throughput calculation input:
FDD, number of aggregated component carriers =1, maximum number of MIMO layers =4, no Use MU-MIMO Beamforming or Massive MIMO capacity Gain, modulation order = 8, scaling factor = 1, BW:10MHz FR1 µ:15kHz:
Result: DL = 222 Mbps
Uplink throughput calculation input:
FDD, number of aggregated component carriers =1, maximum number of MIMO layers =4, no Use MU-MIMO Beamforming or Massive MIMO capacity Gain modulation order = 8, scaling factor = 1, BW:10MHz FR1 µ:15kHz:
Result: UL=238 Mbps.
So, DL throughput is lower than UL throughput.
How could you explain it?
Hi Nick,
Thanks for raising this as I was also puzzled by the same query that you have. Seems like only overhead is changing between DL and UL, and the overheads are much higher for DL compared to UL resulting in a lower data rate for DL. Hope someone can help to clarify.
how the OH is calculated. In the comments writtren that:
for FR2: SSB~2.5 + PDCCH~6.7 + TRS~1,3 + DM-RS~5 + PT-RS~2.5 = ~ 0.18 DL
how these percentages are calculated from the information:
• PDCCH: CORESET of 24 PRBs (4 CCE) in every slot
– 12 RE/PRB/slot
• TRS burst of 2 slots with periodicity of 10ms and occupies 52 PRBs
– 12 RE/PRB/slot
• DMRS: Type 2, 12 RE/PRB/slot for 6 layers
• CSI-RS: 8 CSI-RS ports with periodicity of 10ms
8 RE/PRB/10 ms
• 8 SSB per 20ms; one SSB occupies 960REs = 4 OFDM symbols × 20 PRB × 12 REs/PRB
• PTRS: 1 port, frequency density is 4 PRB, and time domain density is 1 symbol
• CSI-RS for BM: 1 CSI-RS port with periodicity of 10ms
– 2 RE/PRB/10ms
How SSB~2.5 + PDCCH~6.7 + TRS~1,3 + DM-RS~5 + PT-RS~2.5 is calculated?
Could you please tell me the meaning of “SSB~2.5”, “PDCCH~6.7”, “TRS~1,3”, “DM-RS~5”,
and “PT-RS~2.5”
What does “~” mean?
Hi there,
great tool! Just a basic question – the max data rate is on L1 i assume?
Hello Guys,
If i am planning a 3 sectors site, i should multiply the throughput by 3, right? . so this is for example the throughtput per one antenna ?
Thanks in advance!
5G NR Throughput calculator
in case MU-MIMO is set to yes and the number of beams is set e.g. to 4 then the calculated result willl about 4 times higher.
Will the 5G NR Throughput calculator show in that case the cell throughput or really the user throughput?
How does the difference between Qm and MCS apply in the tool above?
hello ,nice work , may i ask …why DL(throughput)>UL(throughput in TDD , while DL(throughput)<uL(throughput) in FDD
hello I’m also thinking the same question, if you already know the answer, please let me know, thanks
hi Ludwin i found 20 answers for this question after research, best answer refer to the FDD affected by interference and fading with other transmission problems.
which clearify when high frequencies, fdd duplix is hard.
So uplink have higher value than downlink
TDD not affected of frequency interference.
note that Fr2 ignore FDD and Fr2 depend on TDD
anyway if you find by calculation ul>dl
via nr throughput calculator that is correct and no mistake.
another best answer is that transmitter care of uplink while receiver care of downlink… if u have an idea let me know… with my best wishes
follow this link :
Hello guys,
I’d like to clarify better some doubts that I got after analyze this tool.
1. Considering Use MU-MIMO Beamforming or Massive MIMO capacity Gain, we need to calculate the Number of Beam with MU-MIMO Users. How can I estimate it? Why the maximum value is 24?
2. What is Rmax?
3. What is the (j) scaling factor? What is its objective in the calculation?
4. About Overhead OH(j) for control channels Mode, the means value are: 0.14, for frequency range FR1 for DL
0.18, for frequency range FR2 for DL
0.08, for frequency range FR1 for UL
0.10, for frequency range FR2 for UL . Correct?
5. About gap symbol and flexible symbol, when I need to calculate Part of the Slots allocated for DL in TDD mode. I understood that considering flexible symbol, in my calculation I can consider it as downlink, for example. But, if I consider gap symbol, my calculation not consider it as downlink symbol. Is it correct? Is there some document that explain it better?
6. In the tool, What is the value of FR(J) you considered? 3.5GHz?
7. How do you calculate the maximum number of PRB?
8. I think in the last topic ” Tμs(j) = (10^-3)/(14*2^μ) – average OFDM symbol duration in a subframe for μ(i) value for normal cyclic prefix”. The correct would be μ(j) not μ(i).
Best regards!
Is there any methodology how to calculate number of sites in a given area? Except software tools?
Dear, Andrey!
I answered here:
Regards, Oleg
I have one doubt like – In 30KHz SCS if I take 20 RB with 2 TTI and each TTI content 10 RB.
Now I want to mapping 2 UE with below details –
Start RB of BWP = Nstart-BWP = 10
Bandwidht Part Size = Nsize-BWP = 20 (TTI=2 , TTI_1=UE1= 10 RB and TTI_2=UE2=10 RB)
rbg config = config#1
rbg-Size = P = 4
Total no. of bits of NRBZ = 4
Size of First RBS = RBG0-Size = 2
Size of Last RBG = RBGlast-Size = 2
Size of other RBG = P = 4
UE1’s bitmap = 1011
UE2’s bitmap = 0110
Taking, Throughput = 1000 Mbps
What will be the throughput that each UE can get? One more question , how it will depends according the OFDM that I were taken?
1 more doubt I have how SINR is the part of throughput calculation? From the equation I don’t getting anything.
I need some clarification like –
Start RB of BWP = Nstart-BWP = 33
Bandwidht Part Size = Nsize-BWP = 28
rbg config = config#1
rbg-Size = P = 4
Total no. of bits of NRBZ = 8
Size of First RBS = RBG0-Size = 3
Size of Last RBG = RBGlast-Size = 1
Size of other RBG = P = 4
UE1’s bitmap = 10011100
UE2’s bitmap = 00100100
UE3’s bitmap = 01111000
UE4’s bitmap = 10001000
UE5’s bitmap = 11100010
UE6’s bitmap = 01010110
UE7’s bitmap = 00001110
UE8’s bitmap = 01010011
Taking, Throughput = 1026 Mbps
For 30 KHz SCS only
Then how can I distribute this 1000Mbps data among 8 UE’s in PFS(Proportional Fair Scheduler) mechanism ?
Do you guys have an Excel template to calculate this? It will be easy for a long list of calculations individually. Thanks.
Yes , We have a excel template.
For 30KHz SCS:
Inputs: J (Number of CCs) =1,
Qm, modulation order = 8 (i.e. 256 QAM)
Vlayer, Number of layers = 4
F, Scaling Factor = 1
µ, 5G NR Numerology = 1
Number of PRBs = 273
OH (Overhead) = 0.14
➤symbol duration, Ts (µs) = 3.57 x 10-5 (Internally calculated)
Output: 2.337 Gbps (or 2337 Mbps)
But when I calculate in terms of BWP , is this total throughput divided according to PRBs ? Then if I take 1 TTI and mapping 2 UE’s with 15 RB’s from BWP_1=1-36 RB’s with mapping like – UE_1= 01010011 , UE_2=00001110,
So I have to calculate the throughput based on 15 RB’s and then that is further divided by bit wise mapping ? I mean to say –
throughput = based on 15 RB’s
UE_1_throughput= 01010011= 4 OFDM is enable=throughput/4
UE_1_throughput= 00001110= 4 OFDM is enable=throughput/4
Just Clarify me , Is my concept is correct or not.
thank you for releasing such a useful tool.
I have 1 question.
According to TS 38.306 section 4.1.2, when j == 1CC, νLayers * Qm * f must not be smaller than 4.
Do you think it should be taken into consideration?
hi sir!!!
why didn´t you use CQI table in 5G as in LTE?, Is there a reason that allows you to use all de MCS´s in 5G and not in lte?
I have 1 query regarding TDD throughput calculation
For 30KHz SCS
periodicity of time slot=500 μs, 1 SF= 14*2 =28 symbols
So, total number of symbols within the frame = 28*10=280
Number of PRBs=273
1.Why throughput calculated in TDD mode on the basis 14 OFDM symbols?
2.As per the the throughput equation total throughput should be divided by either 273 or 280 to get RBs or symbols wise throughput .
2.Is it possible to mapping 1 symbol with multiple users ?
4.How can we mapping symbols among the users in the form of single TTI and multi TTI?
Please scarify my concept .
Does it support distinguishing between SA and NSA?Consider the overhead of RMSI
I case of 30MHz at FR1. The maximum throughtput in practical at recently technology is …..
Anyone can help me to answer and explain the source of result.
hi everybody
Do you know the equation that allow me to knwo the throughput vs the distance of the mobile?
May be a fundamental question for mMIMO
Assume I have two radios, one has 32×32 mMIMO, and the other one is 64×64 mMIMO. Both support 16 layers in DL and 8 layers in UL. Is there any difference when it comes to max cell throughput in both these radios? trying to figure out how the MU-MIMO impacts in this?
isn’t there 3 MHz bandwidth on 5G now, too?
Hi Admin,
on Mode of Symbols allocation there are 4 profiles, on last profile have option to choose vendor specific TDD-UL-DL configuration like DDDSU or DDDSUUDDDD etc.
but at same time you are considering Spec given 55 formats,
while either it will be vendor specific or spec given one format out of 55,
Can you please check & update on this, thank you.
Hello, It looks like for the 5G UL calculation, the wrong MCS index table is used. It should be the PUSCH MCS tables, right?
what is the overhead when using NR DL Carrier aggregation (scell overhead)?
Great tools!